Plant & Machinery
A diverse fleet of plant and equipment is required to effectively and efficiently conduct Bulk Earthworks activities. Adelaide Earthmoving Contractors operate a fleet of specialised, in-house machinery to deliver our bulk earthworks projects - some of which include;
Ranging in size, excavators are paramount in digging and loading out large
quantities of fill, while also capable of pinpoint stripping, excavation and shaping.
Capable of precise and detailed trimming, crucial in shaping of earth or base
materials for the construction of building pads, pavements, embankments, any
anything more. Also ideal for pushing out layers of relocated or imported material
to specific design levels. AEC incorporate onboard guidance systems (i.e. laser,
GPS receivers) to maximise utility.
Pull Scrapers
Able to self load and evenly release material, pull scrapers are ideal in shifting
large quantities of material (typically topsoil or existing subgrade) while
simultaneously levelling a surface. The smooth loading and unloading action
yields continuous and autonomous work.
Operating on tracks and with a large front mounted blade, bulldozers are
unparalleled when it comes to pushing large quantities of soils, sands, rubble,
rock or any other material.
Front end Wheel Loaders are ideal for managing materials onsite, and are
usually used to stockpile, or move material to/from a stockpile. The combination
of wheeled mobility with a large bucket makes this machine an integral
All-rounder for most bulk earthworks activities..
Typically equipped with a padfoot drum for bulk earthworks, our vibrating rollers
are ideal for compacting and sealing existing subgrade material, or layers of
placed fill. Optionally to leave a smooth surface, a roller with a smooth drum can
also be used - which is more typical for leaving a clean and smooth surface for
construction to follow.
Water Trucks
With specialised tanks, pumps and sprayers - these trucks are namely utilised to
condition onsite material to the required moisture content for construction, and
are essential in controlling airborne dust onsite throughout construction.
Dump Trucks
Capable of carrying a 40T payload and built for offroad, out articulating dump
trucks are ideal for shifting large volumes of material around site. Typically used
where cut to fill activities are viable, or where larger quantities of stockpiled
material is being loaded and used elsewhere onsite.
Road Trucks
Used to transport earthworks materials from one site to another - namely
topsoil, cleanfill, rubble or rock, and more. With a fleet of inhouse truck and
trailers, and a list of reliable subcontractors, AEC are well equipped to provide
timely trucking regardless of the quantity.